Saturday, May 16, 2009

We Have A Winner

Congratulations to ‘Anonymous’ who successfully entered and won the “Name the Old Guys” contest. Your overnight stay at the “Lollipop Motel” (pictured left and right) includes a continental breakfast (please ignore “expires by” dates as they are not accurate anyway.) The “Lollipop’s” famous vibrating bed(pictured below left) accepts both Canadian and American quarters. Although the exchange money percentage is minimal we would ask that you leave 10 cents on the dresser to cover the exchange rate. (Please pay no attention to the individual lying on the bed; the coroner will arrive shortly) Note: the bed has been replaced by a newer version since the photo was taken. We no longer equip our rooms with refurbished electrical items.

The lobby (pictured right) is a thriving center point of activity as it doubles as the Greyhound bus terminal. Feel free to talk to the passengers and you may even be approached to purchase a variety of watches at discounted prices.

Your overnight stay will include a one hour bus tour (Pictured left) of the local haunts in the area. Once inside an establishment please make certain you take a seat with your back to the wall for your personal safety.

Our security (pictured below right) is second to none and your safety is our utmost concern. We offer a standard that is beyond cutting edge technology.

Please note that in order to fully qualify for the “all expense paid trip” you must comply to the following rules:

The winner must supply to the editor within a month before taking possession of the prize:

  • All credit card numbers (We take all valid credit cards)
  • Driver’s license number
  • All debit card numbers and bank branches
  • Health card number
  • Social Insurance number

· Any other card numbers e.g. Airmiles, Optimum, Staples, etc

Congratulations and have fun!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Name The Old Guys Contest Update

OK... It appears the contest is way too easy! Therefore I'm changing the rules! Before you say anything...I CAN CHANGE THE RULES!!! I'm the editor and have absolute rule over all of this : ) Having said that the new rule is that all the names must also be accompanied by a nickname. They all had one. Good luck.

Old Guys Quiz

Ok.. who are these guys? The first person with the correct answer will win an all expense paid vacation to Puce!!! (Well, not really a vacation per se...but an overnight stay in the local motel. Save your quarters for the luxurious vibrating mattress). Imagine the thrills watching traffic soar by on old Tecumseh Road. To "Name The Old Guys" start off from right to left. First hint: Ken Kelsh (KK)

*For those with failing eyesite please click on photo for a really big picture!

Thanks to Willoughby for the photo!

Fire Find

Fire Find Search Fire Find - Be specific: Try FDNY or Los Angeles Fire. Search for: