Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Gary Heikkinen's New Television Show

When asked about his new career, Chef Heikkinen shrugs his shoulders and replied, "I don't know how this happened actually. I always knew that my cooking skills were destined for greatness and here I am on The Food Channel on cable television. Being from the Lapland area didn't hurt either. I have a whole repertoire of Scandinavian delights that I can share with my new audience. Folks have never actually had such tantalizing Lapland dishes such as Braised Elk Hocks or Sauteed Penguin Flipper Au Jus."

When asked about his newest recipe he gloats about his recent concoction Hot Sauce Supreme. "It's a family secret that even my own son, Mike, doesn't know the recipe's contents.", claimed the little furry chef.

When questioned about his cooking "career" Rudy said, "Well, when I used to cook in the fire halls at the turn of the century the guys used to rave about my finesse in the kitchen. They just couldn't handle all the wonderful flavors at once so they used to get up collectively from the dinner table and rush to the washroom and actually push each other out of the way to get in. They would return a few minutes later with a contented look on their faces and claimed that they were so full they couldn't eat another bite after I offered them a second helping of the meal. I'm still quite confused as to the large amounts of Pepto Bismal that were consumed while I was on duty. Very strange coincidence indeed."

When prompted further regarding his new television show Rudy answered, "Well, I have a sample of video that you can use to demonstrate a short section of my show. It's the episode about the Hot Sauce we were discussing earlier. I'm calling the show 'Recapturing The Flavor'", Rudy Reported.

At the conclusion of the interview Rudy declared, "I'm actually thinking of inviting guest cooks on my show in the future. My first guest I hope will be Willoughby Woods. He is an excellent chef and some think his skills were even far better than mine. He basically perfected his art here in Canada when he was on the lam from the U.S authorities during the Viet Nam war. That's how he got the moniker 'Draftdodger'", Rudy laughed. "As for myself, I was a member of the Navy and taught the other sailors how to march on the deck of the ship. We didn't go for long treks and I taught them how to walk in circles very quickly. As a result of that training I still find myself walking in circles even to this very day!"

When last seen the "Chef" was on the phone while rubbing his antlers against the wall in his new kitchen. As I left the room I heard Rudy say, "Hello, Santa?"

Below is the sample video of Rudy's television show.

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