Sunday, June 24, 2007

Health Coverage?

I received this note from Ken Racine's wife Cindy .... Once you read her note you will see the need to step in and rectify our current health care system. For those of you in and around Windsor and the rest of Ontario please contact your local MP and at least try to apply some pressure so this abuse stops. If this kind of treatment can happen to Ken it certainly can happen to any of the rest of us and our families. Canadians, according to some, have the reputation of being apathetic at times and we come with an "Oh well" attitude. Now is the time to stop this thought process... do something.

Hi John, this is ken's wife, Cindy. I would like to ask you to send something for me over your vast internet of contacts. Ken underwent some nuclear testing at the beginning of May. We were informed that all indications were that he had had a silent heart attack, probably during the winter, and he needed bypass surgery. An angiogram was done on May 24 and it confirmed that he needed 5 bypasses right away. After two trips to London and being bumped off the "high priority" list several times, we finally got our surgery date for Thursday, June 21. Our kids took the day off work, (my youngest son left his wife with their new baby) and Ken and I went down in the morning for 10:00 a.m. We booked a room near the hospital and checked in and then went to University Hospital where he was to have his surgery. After a few hours of preparation we were told to say our goodbyes as they were ready to take him in. As you can imagine, after weeks of being put on and off the list at the last minute, it was a very emotional time for us all. We knew he needed the surgery but of course you realize also that it could be the last time you see him alive. Half an hour later we are paiged back upstairs and are told that his surgery has been delayed. We go in and there is Ken - they had him on the operating table, hooked up for his surgery, they were about to give him his anaesthetic. All of a sudden the phone rang and they told him they had to bring him back outside - they had an emergency. Someone from that morning had problems and they had to rush him back to surgery. This was so traumatic - we were all in shock. We tried to stay calm and did so for the whole, long afternoon. Then at 3:00 we were told they would be doing his surgery soon. Then at 5:00 the doctor came out and said it couldnt be done and that Ken wouldnt want him operating after the day he had anyway. We sympathized and said "so is he to be done in the morning then". Oh no, the doctor said, I have no o.r. time tomorrow. Our Liberal government has cut hundreds of hours off my o.r. schedule for the months of June, July and August. You will all have to go home and I will have to look at my schedule at the beginning of the week to see when this can be done. You can't even imagine the disbelief - this man was told months ago to never miss taking his Plavix because last year he had a stent put in and this medication was crucial. He has now been told to stay off it since Jule 11 because any day he could be called for surgery. Have you ever heard of anything like this. It is a virtual nightmare and should not be tolerated. Please, ask the Union and all the contacts you have to write, call, email their local MPs and insist that this situation be changed immediately. I wouldnt want anyone to go through what we have been through. By the time Ken gets his bypass, he may be in the situation the poor guy they bumped him for is in. People sure want firefighters to rush to their aid don't they - but boy don't ask for any help when you need it. I think this is just pathetic and a pox on our whole Province that we are treated this way when politicians get private care and immediate attention. Any thoughts you have I sure would appreciate hearing from you.

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